Studenten Net Twente making the net wiki work


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operator [2024/10/11 15:50]
haaijer operator group concept page
operator [2024/10/12 08:41] (current)
haaijer add collaboration part
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 ====== slash-OP group ====== ====== slash-OP group ======
-This is a concept page for the association operator group (name pending change).+This is a concept page for the association operator group (name pending change, other proposals: `netring`, `webring`).
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 Would you be interested in helping setup such a group? Please contact Luc, or join the [[https://​​room/#​snt:​|SNT matrix group]]. Would you be interested in helping setup such a group? Please contact Luc, or join the [[https://​​room/#​snt:​|SNT matrix group]].
 +===== Who =====
 +This would mainly consist of SNT members, and webcom/​syscom'​s of UT associations. Possibly some cybersecurity master students can be recruited for projects that require development. We have also recieved interest in such a construction from LISA employees.
 +===== Possible collaborations =====
 +There are things we can do ourselves, but some nice products already exist.
 +  * Wpscan
 +  * Shadowserver
 +  * Shodan/​Censys
 +  * Patchman
 +  * NCSC
 +  * Associations from other universities
 +  * Basisbeveiliging
 +  * LISA responsible-disclosure
 ===== Why ===== ===== Why =====
operator.1728661814.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/11 15:50 by haaijer
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