This is an old revision of the document!
This is a concept page for the association operator group (name pending change).
A lot of associations have trouble with maintaining a web and/or systems committee. SNT has a lot of expertise in this regard; and has contact information of most of the technical committees at the UT and LISA.
Things that such a group could offer:
Contact-wise, a discord-bridged matrix server was proposed. Since this should encompass most of the possible members.
Would you be interested in helping setup such a group? Please contact Luc, or join the SNT matrix group.
Cause for this concept are discussions within the SNT board and the following email sent by the scintilla SOT:
On behalf of Scintilla's committee responsible for digital systems (SOT: Scintilla's Operator Team), I would like to get in touch with the “peer committees” of other study associations. We are exploring the idea of the “peer committees” occasionally checking each other's systems for security issues. To that point, I have the following questions:
1. Does your association have a committee similar to Scintilla's SOT? (Where) could I reach that committee? 2. Would this committee be interested to have a discussion on how to check each other's systems on security issues? Or set up an initiative like this?