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Using phpMyAdmin

Greetings mortal!

Below you'll find a (small) manual which will explain a few things about the use of phpmyadmin.
This manual has been made by using the following version:

  • phpMyAdmin -
  • MySQL client version: 5.0.51a

img25.imageshack.us_img25_3766_phpmyadminm.jpg As time will tell this manual might grow into something more larger. As for now this manual will only concentrate on the use of phpMyAdmin, not the installation for it!

Before we can begin we will have to browse to the machine (http://IP/phpmyadmin/ also look at the picture to the right) and login to be able to use anything phpmyadmin has to offer. We will use the root user mostly for the creation of new users. For the creation of databases we will use the user with the correct rights.

1. Users

1.1. Create

img25.imageshack.us_img25_821_pmausers01.jpg First, we'll have to login as root. Browse towards your phpmyadmin webpage (usually done by going to http://<ip address/hostname>/phpmyadmin.
Login as root here, giving the username and password.

Next we are going to the page that is called “privileges” (right screen).
This screen will show what users are already present on the system with several key information pieces which could be usefull at some time.

Since we are just adding users we can click on “Add a new User” (screenshot) and enter the next screen again.

img9.imageshack.us_img9_2452_pmausers03.jpg Once on this page we will have to fill in several fields: (right screen).

  • Username: The username used for database access.
  • Host: Since we are most likely only going to use this user on the same machine as the stats and mysql is hosted, lets just use 'localhost' as only login possibility. If you are planning on seperating the mysql server with the server that holds the website files, set this to 'any',
  • Password: I usually tend to use the 'Generate' button to generate myself a password. You can then use the 'Copy' button to copy over the generated password to the password fields.
    • Important: Store this password somewhere, you'll need it later!
  • OPTIONAL: You can already set database rights for the user. I myself like to use the “Grant all privileges on wilcard name (username\_%)” option. You can later login as this user and then create databases which will use the name 'username_database'. You can also just select the option 'Create database with same name an grant all privileges', which will create a database with the name name as the user. Only downside to this is that you have just one database to use with that user.

After hitting 'Go' you will see a screen that looks like this telling you the user has been created.
Congrats! You can now use this user!
Used Pictures:
1 2 3 4

2. Databases

This chapter will handle the creation of databases and …

2.1. Create

There are 2 ways of creating a database:

1. With root
Normally a user won't have any rights to create any database itself. In which case you will have to ask someone with root access to create you a database.
This can also be done yourself, in which case you will have to create the database, edit the privileges of the user and add the user to the newly created database with rights.

2. With a user itself
If the person who gave you an account (or you have made it yourself) and that user has been created with the option '”Grant all privileges on wilcard name (username\_%)” ', this user will be able to create it's own databases.

I will explain the second possibility, with the user itself, below.

First, again, lets go to the phpmyadmin page via a browser. Use your login and password and hit enter (I'm using the login: 1username for the purpose of this manual).
Next in line would be the creation of a database. The browser will already show you the text '1username_…' inside the database creation text box. Lets create a database called 'hlx'.
To do this change the text that is already present in the box to '1username_hlx'.

2.2. Adjust

N/A for now, will be filled later.

2.3. Import

3. Other...

This chapter is just a placeholder and will be expanded / replaced over time.

commissies/gamescom/manual_phpmyadmin.1236681529.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/03/10 10:38 by willem