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Using phpMyAdmin

Greetings mortal!

Below you'll find a (small) manual which will explain a few things about the use of phpmyadmin.
This manual has been made by using the following version:

  • phpMyAdmin -
  • MySQL client version: 5.0.51a

img25.imageshack.us_img25_3766_phpmyadminm.jpg As time will tell this manual might grow into something more larger. As for now this manual will only concentrate on the use of phpMyAdmin, not the installation for it!

Before we can begin we will have to browse to the machine (http://IP/phpmyadmin/ also look at the picture to the right) and login to be able to use anything phpmyadmin has to offer. We will use the root user mostly for the creation of new users. For the creation of databases we will use the user with the correct rights.

1. Users

This chapter will handle the creation of users and …

1.1. Create

2. Databases

This chapter will handle the creation of databases and …

2.1. Create

N/A for now, will be filled later.

2.2. Adjust

N/A for now, will be filled later.

2.3. Import

3. Other...

This chapter is just a placeholder and will be expanded / replaced over time.

commissies/gamescom/manual_phpmyadmin.1236677924.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/03/10 09:38 by willem