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commissies:gamescom:manual_phpmyadmin [2009/03/10 10:38]
willem Aangepast: 2.1. create
commissies:gamescom:manual_phpmyadmin [2009/03/10 11:41] (current)
Line 24: Line 24:
 \\  \\ 
 \\  \\ 
-{{  http://​​img9/​2452/​pmausers03.jpg?​185x130}}+
 Once on this page we will have to fill in several fields: (right screen). Once on this page we will have to fill in several fields: (right screen).
 +{{  http://​​img9/​2452/​pmausers03.jpg?​185x130}}
   * **Username**:​ The username used for database access.   * **Username**:​ The username used for database access.
   * **Host**: Since we are most likely only going to use this user on the same machine as the stats and mysql is hosted, lets just use '//​localhost//'​ as **only** login possibility. If you are planning on seperating the mysql server with the server that holds the website files, set this to '//​any//',​   * **Host**: Since we are most likely only going to use this user on the same machine as the stats and mysql is hosted, lets just use '//​localhost//'​ as **only** login possibility. If you are planning on seperating the mysql server with the server that holds the website files, set this to '//​any//',​
Line 33: Line 34:
 After hitting '//​Go//'​ you will see a screen that looks like [[http://​​img9/​4681/​pmausers04.jpg|this]] telling you the user has been created. \\  After hitting '//​Go//'​ you will see a screen that looks like [[http://​​img9/​4681/​pmausers04.jpg|this]] telling you the user has been created. \\ 
 Congrats! You can now use this user! Congrats! You can now use this user!
-Used Pictures: \\  
-[[http://​​img25/​821/​pmausers01.jpg|1 ]] [[http://​​img18/​2638/​pmausers02.jpg|2 ]] [[http://​​img9/​2452/​pmausers03.jpg|3 ]] [[http://​​img9/​4681/​pmausers04.jpg|4 ]] \\  
 ===== 2. Databases ===== ===== 2. Databases =====
-This chapter will handle the creation of databases and ...+This chapter will explain certain options you can do with a database\\  
 +In the example screenshots we will always use the username '//​1username//'​ with password '//​0123456789x//'​.
 ==== 2.1. Create ==== ==== 2.1. Create ====
Line 53: Line 51:
 I will explain the second possibility,​ with the user itself, below. \\  I will explain the second possibility,​ with the user itself, below. \\ 
 \\  \\ 
 +{{http://​​img4/​7237/​pmadbcreate01.jpg?​180x135 ​ }} {{  http://​​img16/​4499/​pmadbcreate02.jpg?​180x135}}
 First, again, lets go to the phpmyadmin page via a browser. Use your login and password and hit enter (I'm using the login: //​1username//​ for the purpose of this manual). \\  First, again, lets go to the phpmyadmin page via a browser. Use your login and password and hit enter (I'm using the login: //​1username//​ for the purpose of this manual). \\ 
-Next in line would be the creation of a database. The browser will already show you the text '//​1username_...//'​ inside the database creation text box. Lets create a database ​called ​'//​hlx//'​. ​\\  +\\  
-To do this change the text that is already present in the box to '//​1username_hlx//'​.+Next in line would be the creation of a database. The browser will already show you the text '//​1username_...//'​ inside the database creation text box. Lets create a database ​with the suffix ​'//​hlx//'​. To do this change the text that is already present in the box to '//​1username_hlx//' ​and press '//​Create//'​ (left screen)A new screen will open showing you that the database has been created succesfully (right screen). \\  
 +Congrats, you have now created a database with the user '//​1username//'​! \\ 
 ==== 2.2. Adjust ==== ==== 2.2. Adjust ====
Line 61: Line 65:
 ==== 2.3. Import ==== ==== 2.3. Import ====
 +PhpMyAdmin gives you the possiblity to import sql files into already excisting databases. Again, in order to do this you should login as the user with the correct database privileges (for this manual that would '//​1username//'​ again). The left side of the phpmyadmin screen in the browser shows all the current databases the user has access to. Next to that it also shows the amount of tables the database is setup with. In the example screenshot to the right you will be able to see several databases for the user with 0 tables. \\  
 +{{http://​​img23/​6573/​pmadbimport01.jpg?​180x135 ​ }} {{  http://​​img21/​8184/​pmadbimport02.jpg?​180x135}} 
 +There are several ways of accessing a databse. In this manual I will just use a simple example and go from there. We will be using the database called '//​1username_hlx//'​ as an example.\\  
 +First it is important to select the database you want to update. This can be done by simply using your mouse to hover over the name, in phpmyadmin, on the left side of the screen and clicking on the database name (screen left). \\  
 +This will open a new screen, with the current database selected on the left side. On the right, click on the tab that is called '//​Import//'​. This will show you a screen with several import options (screen right). ​ Click the browse button (or w/e it might be called in your language) and select the .sql file you wish to import into the current database. After selecting the file and pressing '//​Go//'​ you will get a screen with all the sql commands it executed. \\  
 +Congrats! You have just imported a sql file into the database '//​1username_hlx//'​.
 ===== 3. Other... ===== ===== 3. Other... =====
 This chapter is just a placeholder and will be expanded / replaced over time. This chapter is just a placeholder and will be expanded / replaced over time.
 +====== Used pictures ======
 +Used Pictures: \\ 
 +Create user: [[http://​​img25/​821/​pmausers01.jpg|1 ]] [[http://​​img18/​2638/​pmausers02.jpg|2 ]] [[http://​​img9/​2452/​pmausers03.jpg|3 ]] [[http://​​img9/​4681/​pmausers04.jpg|4 ]] \\ 
 +Create database: [[http://​​img4/​7237/​pmadbcreate01.jpg|5 ]] [[http://​​img16/​4499/​pmadbcreate02.jpg|6 ]] \\ 
 +Import database: [[http://​​img23/​6573/​pmadbimport01.jpg|7 ]] [[http://​​img21/​8184/​pmadbimport02.jpg|8 ]] \\ 
commissies/gamescom/manual_phpmyadmin.1236681529.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/03/10 10:38 by willem
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