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user:willem [2009/03/05 11:32]
willem Initieel opzet
user:willem [2009/03/17 08:35] (current)
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-====== ​Eigen stukje ​====== +====== ​About myself ​====== 
-Woa! Yahoo! My own space *purrrrrr* \\ +Name: Willem \\  
 +Surname: van der Poel \\  
 +Age: 26 (18 feb 1983) \\  
 +Occupation: Student \\  
 +====== Huidige commissies ====== 
 +  ​Gamescom 
 +  ​Webcom 
 +  * Ftpcom (hoofd) 
 +====== "​Oude"​ commissies ====== 
 +  * TBA 
 +====== Mijn creaties ====== 
 +[[commissies:​gamescom:​manual_ff|Fortress Forever install manual]] \\  
 +[[commissies:​gamescom:​manual_hlstatsx|HLStatsX install manual]] \\ 
 +[[commissies:​gamescom:​manual_phpmyadmin|PhpMyAdmin manual]] ​\\ 
-I'll put more pollution about myself on here when I got some leftover-time :) 
user/willem.1236252743.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/03/05 11:32 by willem
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