Studenten Net Twente making the net wiki work


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start [2023/09/14 15:30]
haaijer translate
start [2023/09/14 15:32] (current)
haaijer note about translation
Line 6: Line 6:
 ===== Logging in ===== ===== Logging in =====
 As an active member you can login with your **LDAP** username/​password. Make sure you fill these in //​lowercase//​! As an active member you can login with your **LDAP** username/​password. Make sure you fill these in //​lowercase//​!
 +===== Translation =====
 +The wiki is currently undergoing translation from dutch into english. Readers are encouraged to submit translations for popular documents. If you are non-dutch and have trouble reading a dutch page, feel free to ask someone from the board to translate.
start.1694705458.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/09/14 15:30 by haaijer
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