Studenten Net Twente making the net wiki work

This is an old revision of the document!


    Tag Plugin

    tag wiki pages

    $tag = plugin_load('helper', 'tag');


    Descriptionreturns the header for the tags column for pagelist
    Return valueheaderstring


    Descriptionreturns the tag links of a given page
    Return valuelinksstring


    Descriptiongenerates tag links for given words
    Return valuelinksstring


    Descriptionreturns a list of pages tagged with the given keyword
    Parametersnamespace (optional)string
    number (not used)integer
    tag (required)string
    Return valuepagesarray


    Descriptionrefines an array of pages with tags
    Parameterspages to refinearray
    refinement tagsstring
    Return valuepagesarray


    Descriptionreturns a list of tags with their number of occurrences
    Parameterslist of tags to get the occurrences forarray
    namespaces to which the search shall be restrictedarray
    if all tags shall be returned (then the first parameter is ignored)boolean
    if the namespaces shall be searched recursivelyboolean
    Return valuetagsarray

    Pagelist Plugin

    Lists pages in a nice formatted way

    $pagelist = plugin_load('helper', 'pagelist');


    Descriptionadds an extra column for plugin data
    Parametersplugin namestring
    column keystring


    Descriptionoverrides standard values for showfooter and firstseconly settings
    Return valuesuccessboolean


    Descriptionprepares the table header for the page list


    Descriptionadds a page to the list
    Parameterspage attributes, 'id' required, others optionalarray


    Descriptionreturns the XHTML output
    Return valuexhtmlstring
    playground/playground.1246054007.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/06/26 22:06 by jeroen