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commissies:ftpcom:start [2008/12/14 00:48]
jochum created
commissies:ftpcom:start [2023/10/12 19:01] (current)
haaijer translate
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== FTPcom ====== ====== FTPcom ======
 +Welcome to the public part of the FTPcom page. \\ 
 +===== New... and now? =====
 +For new FTPcom members an overview has been created which can be viewed [[commissies:​ftpcom:​nieuwlid| here]].
 +===== Mirror information=====
 +Current mirrorred mirrors by the FTPcom can be found[[commissies:​ftpcom:​mirrors| here]].
 +===== Server hardware =====
 +The hardware of the server can be found[[commissies:​ftpcom:​hardware | here]].
commissies/ftpcom/start.1229215735.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/12/14 00:48 (external edit)
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