====== PRcom ====== == Requests for the PRcom == Please send requests for design and printed matters to the PRcom by e-mail. We assume that you already have permission and budget from the SNT board. Before we can start with a design, we will need the following information: * A clear description of the to-be-designed object. * The goal of the design. * The final deadline (date and time) at which you want to have the design, due to planning. * The size (in cm/mm) of the final printed matter. * The exact text (double - no - triplecheck this, to avoid typo's) that should be incorporated into the design, in plaintext. No Silke, not in Tex... * Optionally logo's, images, etc. that should be incorporated into the design. * All files that you have of a previous design (optional) * The name of the place where you want it to be created, so we can find their specifications (optional) If you have any questions left, send an email to the PRcom, Talk to us on matrix, or speak with us during one of the lunch-hours on the wednessdays. == Useful links == * [[intern:huisstijl|Corporate identity]] * [[commissies:prcom:current|Current activities]] * [[commissies:prcom:archive|Finished activities]]